2020 links & images

Then Heaven Captures 2020

Reports on this page are from 2020 research--in part. This research (performed in 2020) was to help understand 2020 when no one knew what was happening nor had any answers.

US 'considers de-listing' Chinese companies


27 September 2019

Chinese Company Coming to America: A Mostly True Horror Story

JULY 6, 2018

Are Russia and China the best of friends now? It’s complicated, analysts say


'American Soil' Is Increasingly Foreign Owned

May 27, 2019

The Pandemic Could Tighten China’s Grip on Eurasia

Despite border closures, Russia and others may be pushed even closer to Beijing. 

APRIL 23, 2020

Larry Kramer, 6/15/2020

'“Laurence David Kramer was an American PLAYWRITE, author, FILM PRODUCER, public health advocate, and LGBT rights ACTIVISTHe began his CAREER REWRITING SCRIPTS while working for Columbia Pictures, which led him to London where he worked with United Artists“. I believe somewhere else he is mentioned to be also a JOURNALIST.'

Larry Kramer  May 27, 2020

"“...it’s important to remember and acknowledge that the gay rights movement also began with protests – led by Black members of the LGBTQ community.”" Bobby Berk . com. June 8, 2020

"“ “I was trying to make people united and angry. I was known as the angriest man in the world, mainly because I discovered that anger got you further than being nice. And when we started to break through in the media, I was better TV than someone who was nice.””

“ In recent years Mr. Kramer developed a grudging friendship with Dr. Fauci, particularly after Mr. Kramer developed liver disease and underwent the transplant in 2001; Dr. Fauci helped get him into a lifesaving experimental drug trial afterward.

"Their bond grew stronger this year, when Dr. Fauci became the public face of the White House task force on the coronavirus epidemic, opening him to criticism in some quarters.

“We are friends again,” Mr. Kramer said in an email to the reporter John Leland of The New York Times for an article published at the end of March. “I’m feeling sorry for how he’s being treated. I emailed him this, but his one line answer was, ‘Hunker down.’””

“ “Once you got past the rhetoric,” Dr. Fauci said in an interview for this obituary, “you found that Larry Kramer made a lot of sense, and that he had a heart of gold.””

The New York Times  May 27, 2020"

https://www.google.com/.../27/us/larry-kramer-dead.amp.html "


"Mr Kramer says: “ “I was trying to make people united and angry. I was known as the angriest man in the world, mainly because I discovered that anger got you further than being nice. And when we started to break through in the media, I was better TV than someone who was nice.””

The New York Times

March 27, 2020"


"“ “I was trying to MAKE PEOPLE united and angry. I was known as the angriest man in the world, mainly because I discovered that ANGER GOT YOU FURTHER than being nice. And when we started to break THROUGH in the MEDIA, I was better TV than someone who was nice.””  


"“... In October, 1988, George H. W. Bush, during a Presidential debate with Michael Dukakis, was asked who his heroes were. “I think of Dr. Fauci,” Bush replied.”  March 31, 2017

“How Anthony Fauci Became America’s Doctor.

“An infectious-disease expert’s long crusade against some of humanity’s most virulent threats.”

Michael Specter April 10, 2020"


"“...The appearance of bird-to-human transmission of H5N1 influenza A virus in Hong Kong in the winter of 1997–1998 [15] was a cogent reminder of the ever-present threat of a new strain of influenza A virus entering a population that is relatively naïve for the microbe in question. Most public heath experts agree that it is only a matter of time before another catastrophic influenza epidemic occurs, and it certainly will occur in the 21st century.“

Oxford Academic,

A.S. Fauci

Infectious Diseases: Considerations for the 21st Century

Anthony S. Fauci Author Notes

Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 32, Issue 5, 1 March 2001, Pages 675–685, https://doi.org/10.1086/319235

Published: 01 March 2001 Article history"

"“A bioterrorism attack against the civilian population in the United States is inevitable in the 21st century [23, 24]. The only question is which agent(s) will be used and under what circumstances will the attack(s) occur.

The threat of bioterrorism underscores the importance of pathogen genome sequencing projects, because rapid diagnostics will be critical to an adequate response to an attack. The availability of genomic sequences of microbes likely to be used in a bioterrorism attack will allow for the development of gene chips for sensitive, rapid, and accurate diagnosis [24, 25]. In addition,...”"


"“Gene chips”"???? What on earth is that?

Oxford Academic,

A.S. Fauci

March 1, 2001"

"“...The areas of synthetic chemistry and robotics will greatly facilitate drug design and high-throughput screening of potential antimicrobial candidates. Computer and mathematical modeling likewise will prove useful in drug design and will also provide predictive models of microbial transmission. The field of molecular epidemiology will allow more precise delineation of microbial transmission and virulence patterns. Genetic epidemiology will lead to greater insights into host susceptibility at the individual and population levels. Finally, the rapidly advancing field of information technology will have a great impact on the field of infectious diseases in the 21st century, because rapid access and exchange of information among developed and developing nations will be critical to the overall success of any global health program.“"

Oxford Academic


March 1, 2001"

"“...Indeed, the microbial genome sequencing project will likely have as great an impact on the field of infectious diseases as the human genome project will on the entire field of medicine, including infectious diseases.“

“ One of the most important recent technological advances in infectious diseases research has been the ability to rapidly sequence the entire genome of microbial pathogens [29]. This capability will be a critical component of 21st century strategies for the development of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines against currently recognized as well as emerging pathogens. Indeed, the microbial genome sequencing project will likely have as great an impact on the field of infectious diseases as the human genome project will on the entire field of medicine, including infectious diseases.”"


Oxford Academic,

A.S. Fauci

March 1, 2001"

"The availability of gene chips or microarrays will enable us to scan the entire human genome for relevant polymorphisms.

The availability of sequences of the entire genomes of non-human species that have a considerable degree of homology with humans will greatly facilitate the task of assigning function to the human genes as they are identified. Species such as the mouse, rat, zebrafish, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, among others, whose genomes have and will be sequenced will serve as invaluable tools for experimentation on the function of a wide array of genes [37, 38]. Among these will surely be a variety of genes whose expression is directly or indirectly involved in host defense mechanisms against pathogenic microbes. Thus, the era of genomics will affect the study of infectious diseases from a number of standpoints, including the availability of the genomic sequences of the microbes in question, the human host species, and a variety of animal species that will serve as models for experimentation and delineation of pathogenic processes associated with infection by microbial pathogens.“

Oxford Academic,

A.S. Fauci

March 1, 2001

"“ ...Species such as the mouse, rat, zebrafish, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, among others...” Unquote.

And ratbat.

I rest my case.

"“...The appearance of bird-to-human transmission of H5N1 influenza A virus in Hong Kong in the winter of 1997–1998 [15] was a cogent reminder of the ever-present threat of a new strain of influenza A virus entering a population that is relatively naïve...”"


"Hong Kong (China’s capital).


"You all will just have to put the pieces together for yourself because I just did..."

Tedros, Taiwan, and Trump: What They Tell Us About China's Growing Clout in Global Health  June 7, 2017

China to expel American reporters after US curbs its media. March 18, 2020

Can't say this, can't say that.

China congress: How authorities censor your thoughts. 16 October 2017

2020: The year a new (yet subtle pre-existing, made very clear for all to see) form of attack hit the world (in matter of minutes upon release) from all types of different angles at the same time in a seemingly very purposeful, strategical, different, orderly yet chaotic fashion.

Pre Covid Media/News 

Then Heaven Captures 2020